Booked out for winter servicing etc and whilst sailing programme (rallies etc) determined. Email me you need further info.
upcoming activites
adastral park sailing club
We're a friendly sailing club based on the east coast of England, near Ipswich (Suffolk). Our location offers a superb variety of sailing in the sheltered rivers and estuaries of the Suffolk and Essex coastlines and offers ready access to the open sea beyond Felixstowe for passages to other areas of the UK and Europe.
- Our club aims to promote sailing activities and a social community around it. We are linked to AtLAS and support its goals.
- Our club owns five dinghies and our yacht Samos.
- Practical training sessions for the yacht and dingies are held throughout the season. Our training programme is aligned to RYA with many members obtaining RYA practical qualifications on the club yacht.
- Other yacht training is arranged over the winter and includes VHF radio, First Aid, Navigation, Chart work and Astro Navigation.
- A great variety of sailing (both dinghies and yacht) is arranged throughout the season including races, rallies and social sails. In addition, independent sailing is possible via private boat hires by qualified helms/skippers.
- The yacht is also used for Club summer cruises, which over the years have taken us from the Baltic to the Scilly Isles.
- Linking up with another club and association, we also have access to Broads sailing, Mediterranean cruises and classic yachts.
- Social Events are arranged, which allow us to share our sailing tales and experiences over a meal and a drink.
- Secure storage for dinghies is also available for hire.
- Our members are expected to help with club organisation and boat maintenance which keeps our costs down.
New members are always very welcome. The club is open to everybody irrespective of sailing experience, although all members must be 18 years or older. You can join the club for dinghy and/or yacht sailing and at a level that suites you from complete beginner to experienced boat owner.
Membership - There are three types of membership. Yacht members (~£175pa) can skipper, train or crew on Carina as well as use the dinghies. Dinghy members (~£65pa) can helm, train or crew on any of our five dinghies. Owner members (~£17.25a) have their own boats and can join in club events such as races and rallies. The club is fortunate in having a local boat hut and storage yard for owner's boats. (These fees exclude £24 AtLAS membership).
The club does not aim to make a profit and we operate in such a way as to keep costs down. This allows a variety of sailing at a cost much lower than commercial rates. Examples for dinghies: an evening's training £19; a whole day's private hire £13-£24.50. Similarly for the yacht, an evening's training £22.50; a weekend day £102; a place on the summer cruise £186. Prices correct for 2020 season.
If all this sounds good and you'd like to know more, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch via the contact form on the Contact tab above.